Sl. No Name Designation Qualification Year of joining
1. Dr. B. B Rai Executive Director & Founder of VHAS MBBS, MD, MIPHA He has been associated with the VHAS since its establishment from the year: 1997.
2. Mrs. Anjana Rai Sr. Program Officer-cum-Office Incharge M.A (Sociology) August’2004
3. Mr. Ashok Sharma Program Officer M.A (Sociology) February’2006
4. Dr. A.B Subba Program Officer PhD August’2011
5. Mr. Sawan Rai Asst. Program Officer M.A (Rural Development) March’2012
6. Mrs. Devika Chhetri Accountant M.A (Economics) July’2015
7. Mrs. Tina Rai State Resource Person B. A May’2017
8. Mrs. Sunita Gurung Accountant B. Com June’2019
9. Mrs. Suk Maya Rai Office Keeper-cum-Kitchen staff 2006
10. Mr. Bhawan Singh Subba Office Driver Class VIII Passed November’2021

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