Training and Meeting: 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022

Sl.No. Name of Participants Training/Meeting/ Seminar/ Webinar Date Venue Resource Agency No. of Participants
01. 1. Mrs. Anjana Rai

2. Ms. Sunita Gurung

Webinar on Decoding impact of budget, 2022 on NGOs 11/02/2022 Online Financial Management Service Foundation, Noida 02
02. All TI Staffs p-MPSE 24/09/2021 Online SSACS 04
03. All Peer educator Orientation training to peer educator 18/11/2021 Online TI Staff 05
04. All TI Staffs Cervical Cancer


15/02/22 Online Health Dept. 09
05. PM, M&E and ORWS p-MPSE 29/9/2021-30/9/2021 Hotel Mist Tree Gangtok SSACS 04
06. PEs, ORWs, Counsellor, M&E, PM p-MPSE 25/10/2021 Singtam DIC AD/TI and PO 08
07. PM & M&E p-MPSE 24/11/2021 Hotel Mist Tree Gangtok SSACS 02
08. 1. Dr. Ash Bdr Subba

2. Mr. Sawan Rai

3. Mrs. Tina Rai

Regional Training of Trainers on Social Audit of XVFC grant utilization for North-Eastern States 29/11/2021-03/12/201 State Institute of Rural Development, Meghalaya National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, Hyderabad 03
09.  Mr. Sawan Rai Workshop on Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for mitigating of Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Sikkim 15/02/2022 Sidkeong Tulku Hall, Deorali- Gangtok JICA Assisted SBFP, Forest & Environment Department, Govt. of Sikkim 01

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